Lionsgate and 87Eleven Entertainment, the production powerhouses behind the renowned John Wick franchise, have announced their latest venture: an English-language remake of the Indian action thriller Kill. Originally directed by Nikhil Nagesh Bhat and produced by notable Indian filmmaker Karan Johar, the Hindi-language film is set to release in India on July 5. The remake announcement follows the film’s impressive premieres at the Toronto International Film Festival’s Midnight Madness section and the Tribeca Film Festival.Kill follows the intense journey of Indian Army commando Amrit, played by Lakshya, as he battles time and enemies on a New Delhi-bound train to rescue his beloved Tulika, portrayed by Tanya Maniktala. The original film has been lauded for its gripping action sequences and compelling narrative.Chad Stahelski, Jason Spitz, and Alex Young of 87Eleven Entertainment will spearhead the remake. Stahelski praised the original’s relentless action and expressed excitement about bringing it to a wider audience, acknowledging the challenge of living up to the high standards set by the original.The collaboration between Lionsgate and 87Eleven Entertainment underscores the expanding global influence of Indian cinema. The producers of Kill expressed their enthusiasm for the project, noting the film’s positive reception at international festivals and the anticipation surrounding its Indian release. They highlighted the universal themes and thrilling action of Kill, seeing the remake as a significant milestone for Indian cinema.The original cast, featuring Lakshya, Raghav Juyal, and Tanya Maniktala, received acclaim for their performances, especially in the high-adrenaline scenes set on the tense train journey. The remake aims to retain the essence of the original while making it accessible to a broader English-speaking audience familiar with Lionsgate’s legacy of action films.The John Wick franchise, starring Keanu Reeves, has captivated audiences with its intense action and complex narratives across three films. The next installment in the John Wick universe, Ballerina, starring Ana de Armas, is set to release on June 6, 2025, after a delay.
John Wick Producers to Remake Indian Action Thriller ‘Kill’: A New High-Octane Adventure on the Horizon